"When we were here together

In a place we did not know

Nor one another,

Bright hair on the wind,

A bit of grass held between the teeth for a moment.

What we were we did not know

Nor ever the grass

Or the flame of hair

Turning to ash on the wind."

-Kenneth Patchen

In 1999 I got a phone call from an art director at Rhino Records asking about some photos I had shot in the early 70's of a band called the Doobie Brothers. He was putting together a booklet for a CD boxed set retrospective album. I said, well, if I did have the photos they would be up in the attic.

So I climbed a stepladder through the little hole in the ceiling up into my attic and brought down boxes and boxes of old prints and negatives I had stored up there and not looked at since about 1983. It was was almost everything I had done and saved from year zero to 1983, about 40,000 negatives, and I spent the next week going through the files, making digital copies, and generally being transported back in time. Another time and another world. My life in images so far.

For my own enjoyment and to show friends, I put together a little book of fifty or so selected prints, some of which I had never printed before, many of which had never been seen by anyone else, and none of which I myself had seen in fifteen years. Then I started thinking about how more people could share them. The gallery named "When We Were Here Together" is a selection of those images.

-Michael Maggid, Petaluma, Claifornia

The Magic Studio